Home » Testimonial » The person I knew I could be.
Posted 22 Aug

Dear Harry,

I’m sitting here at Bondi Beach in Sydney, Australia reflecting on my growth over the past 7.5 years. I have just interned as a Master on the Resurfacing course in the same hotel as my very first Resurfacing course as a student in 7.5 years ago.

The person I am today is so very different to the person I was back then. Over this time I have reconnected back with my family after 12 years of running away from them. I have been very successful in turning my life around and I am now feeling very happy, successful and fulfilled. In a nutshell, I am the person I always knew I could be.

I thank you Harry for creating these amazing Avatar materials and the incredible Avatar network. I know I will never ever walk alone again.

Eternal Love,

Ally Smerdon- Australia