Home » Testimonial » Righteous and inflexible beliefs.
Posted 24 Jul

Dear Harry,

After over 35 internships as a Master on Avatar Courses, today I experienced something so profound I am almost unable to express how I feel.

There is a young man on this Avatar Course in his thirties. My first encounter with him was to see him burst from the course room in a frightening rage and eventually leave the hotel. I am a 6’4″. 240 pound man and his rage scared me. I knew I had to work with him. I went back into the course room and shared with the other Masters I wanted to work with him when he came back.

After lunch he returned and I went over to say hello. We connected immediately. I supported him through his personality profile, exercise 1 in ReSurfacing, and then the Belief Management mini-course as he was seemingly operating through some very righteous and inflexible beliefs.

He had a great result and freed a lot of attention. We progressed into a Forgiveness Option mini-course. He revealed how he was raised by one parent and he felt abandoned by the other at a very young age. He had remained angry, completely disconnected and had only allowed them to see their two young Grandchildren once.

His courage amazed me as he chose to take that abandonment through the next exercise, Releasing Fixed Attention. After a few times through he had a realization and formed a new belief. He said his parent had abandoned him because they were sick and probably gave him up because they couldn’t care for him and wanted him to have a stable home. He sat there stunned and began to cry like a baby. I could not hold my tears back either.

Wow! This afternoon he plans to register for the Master Course and the Wizard Course. He wants to deliver Avatar to others. Wow,

John Toomey- Australia